Another Face of Multiple Myeloma
Yolanda's experiences and trials with myeloma diagnosis are expressed in a heartfelt reflection on what is entailed with battling a chronic illness...

Book Excerpt
What is Multiple Myeloma?
My first reaction upon being diagnosed was “What the heck is Multiple Myeloma?” But I also knew that anything ending in “oma” or “mia” was referring to cancer.
The definition of Multiple Myeloma cancer varies according to which source and physician you speak with. Some refer to this cancer as a blood cancer, whereas others say this is a cancer of the plasma cells and bone marrow. It can be and is quite confusing, but this is why it is so important to do background research to get a true understanding of how Multiple Myeloma affects the body and how to control the outcome.
Radiation Treatment
In the 4th week, I noticed the skin seemed to be peeling, as well as a slimy appearance and odd odor in that area. I contacted the nurse as she advised me to e-mail her if I had any questions.
My second e-mail where I was concerned with the odor and the peeling was when I was told to come in earlier than my scheduled follow-up appointment. After a few perplexing stares while looking at the area in question my doctor finally blurted “Oh, this is normal, even though I can’t recall seeing a radiation area peel in this way, but it seems normal.” Huh?!
It is rare to learn about multiple myeloma from a woman's perspective. It is even more difficult to find an African American account of what it is like to live with this rare type of bone marrow cancer. Yolanda provides both--all neatly wrapped up in one entertaining and enlightening memoir. Both funny and poignant, Yolanda shares her deepest feelings with us at every turn.
Pat Killingsworth
Cancer writer, columnist, and author of "Living with Multiple Myeloma"
At a young age in her adult years, Yolanda is faced with terminal cancer. A cancer that takes many shapes and forms. She talks about her unique situation. You may know someone who has this disease. Yolanda shares her feelings, questions, and knowledge she has acquired about the disease and life itself. This book will challenge you to educate yourself on living with Multiple Myeloma or caring for someone with Multiple Myeloma. This obscure cancer affects many but unfortunately, many are not aware of it until they break a bone that does not heal or have irregular urine or blood tests that show possible indication of the disease. Learn from Yolanda and the many references she refers you to. Thanks, Yolanda for sharing your story.
Brenda A. Jenkins Patient Living with Multiple Myeloma
Author of “When We Reach the Edge, Where Do We Go for Support?”
Participatory Medicine Tip Reference Guide
This detailed guide is a must-have when building a network of care when diagnosed with multiple myeloma.